Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)

Md. Shaifur Rahman


Department of Computer Science and Engineering



  1. Md. Shaifur Rahman and Mahmuda Naznin, "Shortening the Tour-length of a Mobile Data Collector in the WSN by the Method of Linear Shortcut", in the proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Data Management for Emerging Network Infrastructure (DaMEN 2013), Sydney, Australia (to be published in LNCS, Springer) [PDF]
  2. (Under Review) Md. Shaifur Rahman and Mahmuda Naznin, "A Novel Framework for Energy-efficient Path-planning of Mobile Data Collector in a WSN”, Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier

M.Sc. Thesis

  • Find the presentation slides of my thesis defense here
  • Find the complete dissertation here