Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)

Consultancy Projects

  • Lottery of Plot Distribution of RAJUK (2012): Scope of the project included development of a lottery program using pseudo-random number generator to distribute "Jhilmil Project" plots among thousands of applicants, conduction of lottery program and report generation.
  • Tender Evaluation for Data Center of Mercantile Bank (2011): Scope of the project included background studies, technical profiling and evaluation of tender documents submitted to build a world-class Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center for the bank.
  • Formulation of Corporate IT Policy for Renata Ltd: Scope of the project included background studies and preparation of a complete IT Policy document for the company.
  • IPO Lotteries (2010, 2011, 2012) Electronic lotteries conducted according to the rules and regulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Bangladesh.
  • Machine Readable Passport Project (2009-2010): Scope of the project included technical background studies, development of Request-For-Proposal document following the ICAO standards and report preparation in request of the Department of Immigration, Govt. of Bangladesh.

Graduate Projects/ Reports

[Slides on request]
  • Neural Network: Too Many Dimensions! There is the Self Organizing Map (2010)
  • Bio-informatics Algorithms:Maximum Likelihood Genome Assembly (Paul Medvedev, Michael Brudno) (2010)
  • VLSI Layout Algorithms: Resolving Vertical Constraints in Multi-layer Channel Routing (2009)
  • Wireless Resource Management: Energy-efficiency of Sensor Networks (2009)

Undergraduate Projects

Please find it in the resume