Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)

I joined the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) as a Lecturer in 2009. Prior to that, I completed My B.Sc. in CSE from the same university in 2009. I successfully completed my defense of the M.Sc. thesis on January 7, 2013 in the same department. The topic of my research was "Energy-efficient Path-planning of Mobile Data Collector in the Wireless Sensor Network". Find my thesis dissertation, presentation slides, accepted and under-review papers in the research area of this site.

As part of my job in this department, I take undergraduate theory and lab classes, supervise student projects, participate in consultancy services as a member of Bureau of Research, Testing & Consultancy (BRTC), serve different committees of the department of CSE etc. I also take Cisco CCNA courses operated by (CSE, BUET) and training courses operated by Bangladesh-Korea Information Access Center (IAC) in our department.

My research interests include Wireless Sensor Network, Ad Hoc Network, VLSI Layout Design, Artificial and Swarm Intelligence and Machine Learning.